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Student Research & Entrepreneurship Proposals

Student Video Submissions for 2023 Showcase


The ESS department prides itself in proving unique and engaging opportunities for students to conduct research. Building on this premise, and in part of ESS 100 - Research, Inquiry, and Entrepreneurship in Exercise & Sport - health and wellness, exercise science, and sport management students have the ability of selecting two different research intensive projects; based on their preferences and interests.  First, students are permitted to construct their own preliminary (academic based) research proposal (problem statement, purpose statement, significance of the study, associating literature review, and proposed methodology) utilizing quantitative, qualitative, and/or mixed method approaches. The purpose behind this project path is to educate students on the foundational pieces needed to conduct proper research.  Skills and knowledge that are acquired include, but are not limited to, are understanding and implementing associating theories and research designs, utilization and organization of sources, deeper understanding of good writing and ethical practices, and application of APA writing style/integration.  


The second option students have is to construct their own entrepreneurship proposal to simulate scenarios by which an entrepreneur understands the importance of research in conceptualizing, developing and proposing a new idea (something new, better) to existing, underserved, and or new markets of exercise and sport.   The purpose behind this project path is to educate students on the foundational pieces needed to conduct proper research towards building a preliminary business model. Skills and knowledge that are acquired include, but are not limited to: understanding the root of the business model via a problem/opportunity statement, understanding consumer psychographic descriptions, analyzing economic sectors, associating industries, and competitors, comprehending strategic positions (first mover advantages and disadvantages), risk assessment factors that delve into internal and external operational factors, methodology practices to gain insight in customer data, and application of APA writing style/integration.  


In addition to the curriculum design and intent, since Winter Quarter 2016, the ESS department has designed an opportunity for students to showcase their work in a bi-yearly student-led conference held at the Multi-Cultural Center.  Entitled the Aspiring Research and Entrepreneurship Proposals in Exercise and Sport Conference, 500 plus students (over seven conference meetings) have had the ability to showcase their aspiring research/entrepreneurial proposals, as well as developing confidence in presenting their materials.  Moreover, students embrace a sense of pride, service, and leadership, as well as witness firsthand the impact of research and its importance to adding to the intellectual inquiry.